Flu shots, Pneumonia shots, shingles shots administered in and out the pharmacy

Flu, Pneumonia & Shingles Immunizations

Take care Pharmacy offers all three immunizations that New Jersey law allows pharmacists to administer. These immunizations include the seasonal flu vaccine, the pneumonia vaccine and the shingles vaccine. You will find that our out-of-pocket prices for all of our shots are competitive if your insurance does not cover the cost of the vaccination. For some, insurance only covers a vaccination in your doctor’s office, but for those customers, we suggest you consider what your office visit co-pay would be versus the convenience of just stopping in at Take Care Pharmacy for your shot. We offer a private consultation area to administer vaccinations.

Flu Shots (Seasonal Flu Vaccination)

Patients 18 years and older can get vaccinated for the seasonal flu by a Take Care Pharmacy pharmacist right in the pharmacy. While flu season varies from year to year, it usually starts as early as August and can run through early spring. It is generally recommended that everyone gets immunized against the seasonal flu. No prescription is required.


Flu Vaccination Snapshot
• FOR: Patients 18 years and older (if under age 18, please see your pediatrician)
• WHEN: Fall to spring

Pneumonia Vaccine

All adults that qualify for the pneumonia vaccination can get vaccinated by a Take Care Pharmacy pharmacist right in the pharmacy. It is currently recommended that all adults aged 65 and older get a one-time vaccination, as well as persons who are 2 years and older and at high risk for disease (for example, persons with sickle cell disease, HIV infection or other conditions that compromise the immune system). Pneumonia shots are also recommended for adults who smoke cigarettes or who have asthma and are between 19 and 64 years of age

Pneumonia Vaccination Snapshot:
• FOR: All patients age 65+, at-risk patients age 2+, smokers and persons with asthma age 19 to 64
• WHEN: Year-round

Shingles (Zoster) Vaccine

It is recommended that adults aged 50 and older receive a shingles vaccination. Shingles is also known as “zoster.” Even if you’ve already had shingles, you can reduce your risk of a repeat episode of shingles by getting the vaccination.
Shingles Vaccination Snapshot:

• FOR: Patients age 50+
• WHEN: Year-round

Come by Anytime or Make an Appointment

Feel free to stop in anytime, since we have a certified immunizing pharmacist on duty to assist you.
You’ll save time by choosing Take care Pharmacy for these important vaccinations.

Get your flu, pneumonia or shingles shot! Call today or stop by any time.

Phone: (908)351-5768
Fax: (908)351-5705
Email: TakeCareRx@Gmail.com